What is Eagle Syndrome


What is Eagle Syndrome

What is Eagle Syndrome

Eagle’s syndrome or styloid syndrome is a disorder of the ligaments that connect the skull to the hyoid bone in the neck, which following calcification cause painful symptoms in the mouth, head, neck, throat and forehead. In particular, it is caused by the lengthening of the styloid process, a small bone at the base of the skull and / or by calcification of the ligament.

The condition typically occurs after an injury or trauma to the neck or pharynx or after an operation involving the neck sector, such as tonsillectomy.

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Symptoms of Eagle Syndrome

Manifestations of Eagle syndrome include:

  • • A nagging or blunt pain in the throat, head, neck and face
  • • Pain that persists for long durations over days, weeks or even months
  • • Pain in the ear on the same side as pain in the head, neck, face
  • • Sensation of something stuck in the throat
  • • Pain in swallowing or oodynophagy
  • • Hoarseness of the voice or dysphonia
  • • Excessive salivation or drooling
  • • Other symptoms may include altered voice, cough, dizziness, migraine, occipital neuralgia, pain in the teeth and jaw, and sinus or bloodshot eyes.

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Eagle Syndrome Diagnosis

Diagnosis is commonly made using x-ray, CT, or MRI scans which can reveal calcification of the stylohyoid ligament.

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Eagle Syndrome Treatment

Treatment mainly includes the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, which can relieve pain.

Generally, this is beneficial in most patients, with little risk of recurrence. In severe recurrent cases, it is often necessary to resort to surgery.

At our center we use local infiltrations under ultrasound guidance with considerable benefit.

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